To all our fellow warriors,
I am Peter, living in The Netherlands, and hope someone will find a cure for type 1 diabetes (T1D).
Since my girlfriend was diagnosed with T1D only three years ago, both of our lives rapidly have changed. We (yes, we) are using AndroidAPS, Nightscout, xDrip+, sensor and a pump as our do-it-yourself closed loop system.
For all closed loop systems, physical tested basal rates contribute to lower the amount of daily manual interventions. In the search for the correct performance of a physical basic test, we saw many people with similar questions. For example, how late to start, when is a test reliable, what adjustments to make, etc. All questions caused us to postpone the basic tests.
To facilitate testing and analysis for everyone, this totally free website. Made by T1D do-it-yourself community, for the T1D do-it-yourself community.
This is a moment in history where you can contribute directly to the community. Love to hear your feedback to improve this tool together, please send me all improvements.
All the best,
Peter (and girlfriend)