
Closed loop systems are a true blessing and definitely here to stay. A near perfect basal rate is key to reduce the manual interventions within these systems (like AndroidAPS, Loop for iOS or OpenAPS).

Searching for a good physical basal test, my T1D girlfriend and I came up with many questions. For example, how late to start, when is a test reliable, which adjustments to make, frequency of testing etc.

As a non-T1D IT professional, and boyfriend of T1D girlfriend, it caused me to facilitate physical basal rate testing by using our Nightscout data and automating as far as possible. Also a page with basal-testing-tips is available.

Try the prototype with your own data!

Where Autotune is designed to iteratively adjust (basal rates, ISF, and carb ratio) over the course of weeks, this tool is adjust one specific time frame.

Care to share your thoughts on my way of thinking? Please join this Facebook topic. Great!

All the best,
Peter (and girlfriend)

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